Pack Strategically

Start packing a week before departure. And yes, I know this may sound crazy to the people who pack the night before and fly off into the sunset without a care in the world.
I take my suitcases, lay them out flat and start adding in items every day. Each look or outfit for a specific event will be packed in separate garment bags. And never leave for a trip without a handheld steamer for erasing all the clothing creases created post-packing.
Being prepared ahead of time will take off all the unnecessary stress of potentially forgetting important items for your trip. Plus there’s nothing worse than being halfway around the world in a remote area and then suddenly realizing you didn’t pack toothpaste. Not that any of the fashion capital cities are remote, but I think you get the idea.
Outfit Coordination

As soon as you are situated in your abode, starting unpacking everything you will be wearing for the week. Steam, iron and arrange each look by day on a clothing rack. The corresponding shoes should be placed under each look.
Bring a Reusable Water Bottle Everywhere
With global warming being a hot topic on everyone’s mind, stay hydrated and save plastic by bringing your own reusable water bottle. Most airports have refillable water bottle stations at the drinking fountains and it’s best to fill up before boarding. When on the go in between fashion shows, simply keep a mini water bottle in your purse and take a sip when you have a breath to spare.
Mark Your Calendar
Going from show to show, collection previews, dinner parties & more. When your schedule is jam-packed, it’s easy to forget the important details. Mark your phone calendar with dates, addresses, and screenshots of email invitations and important contacts you may need. Set an alarm or reminder to leave 30 minutes early to give yourself a buffer in case of any unexpected traffic.
& last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy the moment, connect with those around you and be inspired by the beauty of fashion month. It only happens twice a year after all.